Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Life: Tuesday Thank You's!

Guess what?? Fayetteville had their first snow of the winter this morning! Unfortunately it only lasted half a day, right now its all gone, but it was great while it lasted! The cold is much more enjoyable when theres snow on the ground to keep you company. Today was an amazingly lazy day. I slept in, browsed the internet, looked for christmas presents online, watched some of Serendipity on 25 days of Christmas (I have seen only bits and pieces of this movie, multiple times. Is it good? I've heard its good. I need to watch the whole thing). I took a long shower, went to my english professors office hours to get my paper  revised, went to a body sculpting class at the gym (kicked my butt), and now I'm at Panera "studying," AKA facebooking and updating my blog. Gosh. I really need to get into the habit of studying. Finals start Sunday for me and I havent even started studying for them! I dont take this kind of thing seriously. I need to. Anyways, here are this weeks 
Thank You's:

1. I'm thankful for the changing of seasons. I love wintertime, and the smell and feeling it brings. I love the snow on the ground (as long as I'm able to drive in it), getting bundled up in scarves and coats and hats, snuggling up under the covers, drinking hot drinks, yay. I love winter time.
2. I'm thankful that the art of writing letters is still appreciated. Although its seldom practiced, there are a few people in this world who still love to write letters, and some of those people happen to be in my life :) I love writing letters so much. And I love getting them even more. 
3. I'm thankful for marriage and that my best friend is engaged! I'm so so so excited for her. No one deserves a happily ever after more than this girl. She is the first one of my friends to get married, and I'm so thankful its her. Her and her fiance are truly a godly example of what it looks like to have a god fearing relationship. I know they understand the covenant of marriage and what it illustrates, so I'm so excited for them to tie the knot. Cant wait to start helping out :)
4. I'm so thankful that people actually come and look at my blog. But not only that they view it, but that they enjoy keeping up with it! Its so cool to actually write for the purpose of people reading. I'm so so so so thankful for that. 
5. I'm thankful for Macy, Conner, and Chris. They're the best friends anyone could ask for. Today, I recieved a package in the mail from them for my birthday. They know how to put a smile on my face :)

So sweet :) Happy Tuesday, ya'll. 

"Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God, our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow." -James 1:17

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